Today is Blog Day :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Therefore, randomness is a must. :)
These quotes came from my books, mostly my favorites. These quotes are underlined, meaning they have great meaning or reflection for me. I just wanna share them since I really did not get any chance to share these to anyone yet. :)

"It's like looking at all the students and wondering who's had their heart broken that day, and how they are able to cope with having three quizzes and a book report on top of that. Or wondering who did the heart breaking. And wondering why. Especially since I know that if they went to another school, the person who had their heart broken would have had their heart broken by somebody else, so why does it have to be so personal?"

Curiosity leads to too much questions...and then you'll know a lot...

"It's much easier not to know things sometimes." (Both quotes from "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. Not my book. Not even my underlines, but still a really great book. A life-changing one.:D)

"Hope when you've got nothing else, but if you've got anything else, then for Heaven's sake, DO it!" -Old Man
"I had to options. One was easy. One was going to be a son of a bitch."-Jay

Mrs. Harker's lines before Joey's departure:
"What kind of a mom would I be if I couldn't read you after all this time? Did you think I wouldn't know that you were leaving? Or that if I kept on sleeping I'd miss my chance to say goodbye?"
"So my little boy is going to war. Obviously I'm not the first mother in history this has happened to. And from what you're saying, I'm not even the first-- the first me this has happened to. But what makes it worse is that from the moment you walk through that door, you're dead to me. Because you're never coming back. Because if you...if you get killed, rescuing your friends or fighting the enemy or in your In-Between World...I'll never know.
The Spartan mothers used to say, 'Come back with your shield or on it.' But you're on your way, and I'll never see you again, shield or no shield. NO one's ever going to send me a medal or a--what do they do, now that they don't send telegrams?--or a message, saying 'Dear Mrs. Harker, we regret to inform you that Joey died like a...died like a..."
"I spent my whole life hoping I would have kids who would be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. Who, when the decisions, the big decisions, need to be made, would do the right thing. I believe you, Joey. And you're doing the right thing. How could I ever stop you now? Wherever you go. Whatever happens to you. Know this, Joey. I love you, I'll always love you, and I think...I know you're doing the right thing. It just...hurts, that's all."

I guess mothers know best! I like Mrs. Harker. Very understanding. :)
Very touching, indeed. I love you, Nanay. <3
And those were the quotes from "Interworld" by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves

From "Jacob Have I Loved" by Katherine Paterson
"Don't tell me no one ever gave you a chance. You don't need anything given to you. You can make your own chances. But first you have to know what you're after, my dear."
"So what's to stop you?"

This book taught me that one can be wonderful in his own ways. Take a risk. Take a chance. Know the aim. Go for it. Before everything's to late. :)


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